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What is the cost of counseling? 

Provision Biblical Counseling Center, LLC is a unique organization in that the majority of counseling costs are subsidized by the founders. Therefore, our services cost $25 per session (cash or check). Upon completion of the process, the total amount paid can be refunded. If the counselee chooses not to complete the determined number of sessions, the amount paid will not be refunded. Other reasons why the fees may not be refunded include, but are not limited too, a failure to attend scheduled sessions, excessive cancellations, prolonged periods without meeting, or a general unwillingness to heed counsel given.

Where do I go for my appointment?

Our office is located on the north side of the Foundation Bank building. When you enter the parking lot, drive around to the north (left) end of the building. You will see a single door. Please wait in your vehicle until Aaron comes out to greet you. 

Can I be seen immediately?

Once we receive all the necessary paperwork, your appointment will be scheduled as quickly as possible. 

We are not a 24-hour emergency care facility. If you are experiencing a crisis, you should contact a physician, a local emergency room, or local police department when appropriate and necessary by dialing 911. 

How do I make appointments?

To schedule your initial appointment, you will need to complete the intake paperwork. After all of the appropriate intake forms have been completed, your initial appointment will be scheduled. 

  1. To schedule an individual appointment, please complete the intake paperwork yourself. 
  2. If you are a parent or legal guardian filling this out for your child or adolescent (anyone under 18 years old), please use the adolescent-specific intake form. There will be an opportunity for both the child and the guardian to enter information on this form. 
  3. If you are looking to pursue marriage or family counseling, we require completed intake paperwork for all individuals that will regularly be part of the counseling time. This means a husband and a wife will each fill out their own intake form. 
  4. All active participants who are over the age of 18 must complete their own intake form. 

What if I cannot make my appointment?

We ask that you give at least a 24 hour notice for cancellations. 

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions will be determined according to your individual needs. Your total investment is often not known at the onset of the counseling process.

How long do sessions last?

Typically, sessions are offered in 50-minute sessions. Longer sessions could be suggested if it is felt they could be beneficial for progress. 

Who can request services for children/adolescents?

When services involving children/adolescents are being sought, only individuals who have the full legal authority to consent to counseling on behalf of the child/adolescent can complete the intake process. 

In joint-custody situations where decision-making authority is shared, all parents and/or legal guardians who share decision-making authority related to the child/adolescent involved must provide written consent before any services can be scheduled. If you do not have the legal right and/or authority to consent to counseling on behalf of the child/adolescent without first obtaining the consent of another parent and/or legal guardian, please obtain such consent before beginning the intake process.

May I sit in and observe my child’s session?

It is preferred that a joint family session takes place at the beginning of the counseling process for a child/adolescent. We believe that God has given parents a unique calling and responsibility in their children’s lives. We seek to involve parents in their child’s counseling when it is helpful and appropriate.